Equipping for Life
Invite Keith to speak at your next event.
What We Do:
We engage with indigenous leaders to equip poverty-stricken communities for positive, transformational change. That work includes building schools, churches, medical clinics and orphanages; skills training, education, water purification and medical missions. The short version is: Equipping For Life.
How It’s Done:
We ask community leaders TWO questions:
1. What’s the toughest thing about living here?
2. How can we help you solve it?
These two questions demonstrate a healthy approach that avoids building dependency. Local communities identify the greatest needs. Then our volunteer teams work with them to address the needs. EquipUs works with communities and their leaders rather than working for them. This allows communities to acheive sustainable, positive change.
Equipping tools:
Our Helping Hands teams are made up of volunteers from U.S. colleges, universities, civic organizations and faith-based groups to work in projects including education, construction, medicine, water purification, skills training, etc.
Helping Hands volunteers help in 3 primary ways:
1. Join an on-site work team (inquire here)
2. Building mission awareness (Subscribe: EquipUs News)
3. Monthly donations
Get In Touch
Support / donate:
P.O. Box 803
Scottsboro, AL 35768