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About E-QuipUs

Keith Burnett – Executive Director, EquipUs.org

Keith is a lifelong learner, gifted communicator and out-of-the-box thinker. 

That combination has enabled him to equip volunteer groups for life-changing work among the people of Kenya, Maasai tribes on the Serengeti, Germany, Spain, Belarus, Australia, the jungles of Central America, the Dominican Republic as well as all three nations of North America.

These challenging experiences have allowed Keith to learn from various cultures and how to make a positive impact in each one. Those real-life lessons and experiences have been harrowing as well as hilarious, but also rewarding and transformative for all involved. And all of it has combined to give Keith a unique perspective on what it takes to build effective, productive teams that succeed in making life better.

Keith is the founder of EquipUs Inc. and currently serves this non-profit as Executive Director. In that role, he works with colleges, universities, businesses, churches and civic groups to staff volunteer teams and to fund the work that brings sustainable, holistic change to impoverished communities.

And bringing people together from such diverse backgrounds lies well within Keith’s career experiences. Those include time in the corporate workplace, entrepreneur/business owner, pastor, church planter, consultant, and pioneering a successful, new department for R.O.W. (international exploration and development). Sharing from his rich history and unique experiences, Keith not only entertains audiences but provides real-world examples of what can be achieved when helping hands come together.

Keith Burnett


Executive Director, EquipUs.org



Board Members

Wayne Terry

Board Chairman, EquipUs

Wayne retired as an executive in the financial services industry. He has been active in civic organizations, community projects such as Habitat for Humanity, his local church, and multiple mission ventures over many years. 

Randy Junior


Randy’s executive career was in the energy sector. He retired to north Alabama and is active in supporting multiple service projects, his local church, and he graciously lends his time and expertise to the missions of EquipUs.

Stan Bramlett

Stan’s is an engineer who spent his professional career with TVA. He retired from there and is actively pursuing his call to ministry. Stan frequently teaches in the EquipUs Pastor Training School and is active in many volunteer capacities.

Marv Barney

Marv is a retired pastor and divides his time between his homes in Ohio and Florida. Marv actively promotes the work of EquipUs in his speaking engagements and he regularly lends his experience and expertise to teaching in the EquipUs Pastor Training School.

Staff Members

Robin Green

Robin helps with all the day-to-day tasks of Equipping For Life and it would be much more difficult without her time and expertise.

Steve Clements

Steve serves as Communications Director. Steve has been actively engaged as a mission volunteer for several years. And he has recently expanded his support of EquipUs to serve in this role. 

Matt Lawrence

Matt has recently joined the EquipUs team as a Mission Project Coordinator. Matt is pursuing a call to Christian ministry and believes that calling includes the work of EquipUs. Matt has a great deal of experience in church construction which greatly enhances many of EquipUs building projects.